Question and answer

1. What can I expect from intake?

To make a good analysis of your disorders, the intake for a first treatment takes an average of 40 minutes. This interview discusses all aspects of your health to enable us to make an accurate diagnosis. In this process, we will ask about health history, also use pulse and tongue diagnosis.
Based on this diagnosis, we make up a treatment plan  by acupuncture, herbs , moxa or a combination of them. Advice on the frequency of individual treatments is  part of the plan. 

2. How often do I have to come for the treatment?

The frequency and number of treatments differ from person to person. Some people experience dramatic relief from the first treatment. For complex or long-term chronic conditions, one to two treatments per week for several months can be recommended. Acute problems usually require fewer visits, usually a total of five to ten visits depends on the individual. During your first visit, an individualized treatment plan with the expected number of treatments is discussed.

3. What to expect during acupuncture treatment?

To start acupuncture treatment, lie comfortably on a treatment table, while precise acupoints are stimulated on different parts of your body. Most people feel little or no discomfort because the fine needles are placed gently. When you insert the very thin acupuncture needles into the pressure points, you may experience pain, swelling, or sometimes mild electric shock, all of which are normal. Such sensations indicate that the needles are in the right places and that they are working. The needles are usually held for 10-35 minutes. During and after treatments, people indicate that they feel very relaxed.

4. How long does it take for an acupuncture treatment?

An acupuncture session usually lasts about 60 minutes. 

5. Does my insurance cover the costs?

Acupunctuur1 is affiliated with the Dutch Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine recognized by most insurance companies. If you have additional health insurance, then acupuncture is covered. More details about it please check:

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